Happenings 20/01/22

Home / Blog / Happenings 20/01/22

Just Thinking…

I told Murry that I would write the happenings this week, which sounded ok when I said it at the start of this week. But now, as I’m sitting here in the church office on Thursday afternoon, I’ve got a real problem, I’ve got writer’s block. In fact, I’ve had it all week, every time I attempt to write this, I would sit there and stare at the screen, or be distracted within thirty seconds by a notification on my phone, or just feeling so overwhelmed by events in the news. It was getting so bad that yesterday, I even lit a scented candle in the hope that it would stop my mind blank and help me focus. Unfortunately, all it did was make me play with fire for half an hour.

Prayer can be the same.

Unfortunately, whenever I even think about praying, I face the same all too common obstacles. My mind goes blank, I can’t think of what to say, and everything around continues to distract me - especially candles!

I don’t want to make too big of a presumption, but you may feel the same way. You may like the idea of regular prayer, yet it still can feel like a struggle.

Now I’m not going to tell you I have the answer to praying regularly (I haven’t), but a couple of friends have reminded me of a few things that can help us pray over this past week. It is not that we pointlessly say the “right words”, but that others may help us express what we are internally feeling. The cool thing about being Baptist is we believe all Christians can hear from God, that God has given us a vast community of people to help us grow in our faith. We don’t have to struggle alone, instead we get to share our experiences as a community.

Since it is the start of the year, can I be bold in my request this week? My bold request is that if you are like me, if you struggle with praying, you will join me in becoming more serious about prayer this coming year.

If you would like to join me in finding different people’s prayers and karakia or thoughts about prayer, I invite you to click on the link below. This is live doc that I will be updating throughout this coming year, sharing things that I have found helpful and prayers I come across. I will also leave it unrestricted, so if you have a prayer, or find something that is helpful, you will be able to share it with us all.

Click here to view

I hope this could be a place where, whenever you may be facing prayer’s block, you can find some help.

Aroha nui,

This Sunday…

This Sunday: Celebration Service

We are back up close and personal on 13 February! That's right ... it is not long to go now before we will be back worshipping together on Sunday mornings. This first service is going to be a time of celebration and sharing, and our young people will also be joining in with us. There will be more details to come but in the meantime, if you have a story or other content you wish to share in this service, please contact Murray.

Kids Programmes

There will be not Blaze or Spark's programmes running due to covid restrictions.

Youth on Zoom

There will be no youth group meeting this week.  Catch you soon!


Virtual Morning Tea

A link to an online service will be emailed to your address by 8:30am this Sunday morning. There are only three of these left! If you know of others who are not on the church email database, please email the church office to add them to this mail-out. The church service (along with past services) can also be viewed on our church Youtube Channel. Simply go to YouTube.com and search for 'Remuera Baptist Church'. A link will also be available on our church Facebook page.

Mainly Music

Due to covid restrictions, we are unable to meet in person for our mainly music sessions. However, we'll be back soon so stay tuned!

Giving to our Community During Lockdown

There are many in need in our community during lockdown. If you would like to contribute financially, a couple of good options would be to Vision West (click here) or contact Ruapōtaka Marae in Glen Innes on 09 5705340.

Home Groups

Young Adults Home Group
Every Sunday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!

Basix  Small Group
Basix is a series of chat group courses looking at the basics of the Christian faith. Each course runs for four weeks, and discusses questions about who God is, life and the Christian faith. Please contact the office if you are interested.

Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each week we share in supper, do a bible study and pray for each other. Will begin on Wednesday 13 February. Contact the office for more information.

Thursday Morning Home Group
Home Group in the church lounge on the third Thursday of the month at 10am. After morning tea we do a bible study and pray together. Contact the office for more information.

You can check out what’s happening from our Facebook page by clicking here.

You can check out the Sunday sermons our YouTube channel by clicking here.

You can find out what’s happening at RBC by joining our e-newsletter list. Please contact the office if you wish to be added to this.