Happenings 5 November 2019

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Just thinking…

This last week much of my discussions with young adults and youth have focused around the rapper Kanye West. This has sprung from the recent release of his gospel album “Jesus Is King”; quite an action from the man who claimed to be “a god” in 2014, and whose track record shows anything but gospel values. This sudden conversion has understandably created contention within Christian and non-Christian circles, with many wondering whether if it is genuine, or simply a publicity stunt. At Carey this semester I have been studying the book of Romans, resulting in me asking the question, “how would Paul perhaps respond to Kanye West’s conversion?” It is, as such, my opinion that he would respond with open arms. The beginning two chapters of the epistle to the Romans show that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Yet, as we see in chapter three, even though none are without sin, all who have faith in Jesus Christ are redeemed and justified by God through the sacrifice of his Son (3:22 – 26). I think that Paul, a person who used to persecute Christians, and who was forgiven by the grace of God, would extend that grace to even someone who once called themselves a god. Of course, we will have to see the fruits of his conversion to see it genuineness, but for now we can pray for him being young in his faith journey. Perhaps there are others in our lives who we know are young in their faith journey who we can step besides and support, in prayer, in accountability, in discipleship; knowing that they may stumble, but giving grace and assistance.

God Bless,


This Sunday 10 November…

Youth Service: This Sunday, Ignite Youth will be leading the service, so come as we worship God together. We will be looking at the book of Colossians and asking the question: what does it mean to continue in the faith?

Ignite Youth Group

This Friday 8 November from 6:30-8:30pm we will be going Rock Climbing! We plan to carpool so if you are willing to help out with transport, then please contact either Elisha or Matt. Cost is to be determined.

Women’s Lunch

Next Saturday 16 November we will be standing together with other Baptist women all over the globe in the Day of Prayer. Come along to the church at 12-2pm. There will be an offering for projects around the world, particularly in the Caribbean.

Kids Programs This Sunday

Spark is our program for older preschool to year 2 kids, led by Margaret Stewart.
Blaze is for kids in years 3-5, led by Olwyn Dickson.
Ignite will be leading the service this Sunday! So will be staying in for the service.

mainly music

mainly music for young children is every Tuesday morning at 10am in the church.

Day of Prayer is Coming!

On November 16, we invite you to join thousands upon thousands of Baptist women all over the globe as we stand together in solidarity through prayer. This is when we really can make an impact in the world through our prayers for each other! Remuera Baptist Lounge. 12noon - 2pm Offering for projects around the world especially for the Caribbean.

Young Adults Group

As young people, we believe it is super important to have a network of like-minded Christ followers surrounding us. The Remuera Baptist Church Young Adults Group meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. We alternate between bible studies and social nights each week. If you are interested in joining us, or would like more information, please email the church office or message us on Facebook @remuerabaptistchurch

Home Groups

Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each week we share in supper, do a bible study and pray for each other. Will begin on Wednesday 13 February. Contact the office for more information.

Wednesday Morning Home Group
Home Group at the home of Joy Galt on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am. After morning tea we do a bible study and pray together. Contact the office for more information.

Young Adults Home Group
Every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!

Don't forget to keep your diaries updated with what's going on in the church!