Happenings 30 November 2018

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Just Thinking…

I am mowing my lawn a lot more than I used to even a month ago. To me, this is my most obvious yearly reminder of the passage of seasons. Winter has gone, Spring has sprung, Summer is newly minted … until Autumn returns again. We live our lives according to cycles, don’t we? Day and night; week days and weekends, seasons and years … and of course, the cycles of faith such as the Christmas celebration which has cycled around once more. The funny thing with cyclical things is that even though the event may repeat, the whole experience is new because I approach it every year as a slightly different person. They say that failure is the chance to try again more intelligently! Well, our cyclical life is also a chance for us to engage in things we have engaged in before … but more intelligently! Or perhaps more authentically? Or more whole-heartedly? Or at least differently because I am different to who I was last Christmas. So, pray that God may give you fresh eyes this year, a new perspective on familiar truths, and a heart that may be able to see a little bit further into the unfathomable, simply because it has changed since last time it looked.
In Him, 

Wednesday Night Home Group

The final Home Group for 2018 at the home of Paul & Ruth Ungemuth on Wednesday 5 December. Study of Luke’s Gospel followed by a Christmas supper. All welcome - enquiries contact the office.

Kids Programs This Sunday

Spark is our program for preschool kids, led by Margaret Stewart.
Blaze is for kids in years 0-4, led by Kelly Jenkins.
Ignite is for young people in years 6-10, led by Olwyn Dickson.

Leisure for Pleasure

Next Tuesday at 1pm in the church. All are welcome.

This Sunday – If God Had A Facebook Page

This Sunday is the first Sunday of advent. Come along to light the candle of hope and share in communion together. We begin our series in Matthew on the road to Christmas, looking this week at the bit we usually skim over - Matthew 1:1-17. What are all those names about anyway?

Carols in the Carpark

Sunday 23 December at 6:30pm. Be on the look out for more information coming soon...


Alpha is a video and discussion-based group for those wishing to explore the basics of the Christian faith. Do you have anyone you could ask to attend? There will be brochures available this Sunday to give out to friends. Register with Murray on 095242524 

mainly music for young children is every Tuesday at 10am in the church auditorium. The final week will be this Tuesday. Please bring along a plate of food to share at our shared morning tea.

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday 1 December at 8am. Our speaker will be Mike Pummell. This is farewell for Mike who is leaving us next year to return to the UK. Mike will be speaking on areas he’s been involved in as well as social responsibility and what our choices are when we spend, save and invest. We will also have a discussion around ethics and fair trade issues and how our day to day choices can make a difference.Share a cooked breakfast, coordinated by chef supremo Lindsay M. We'd love to see you there. Please consider inviting a friend.

Prayer Service

This Sunday at 7pm in the church. Come along to join us in prayer.

Home Groups

Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Contact the office for more information.

Wednesday Morning Home Group
Home Group at the home of Joy Galt on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am. Contact the office for more information.

Sunday Afternoon Home Group
Home Group run by David and Heather Reid every second Sunday after the service at the Reid's home. Contact the office for more information.

Young Adults Home Group
Every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates.

Don't forget to keep your diaries updated with what's going on in the church!