Happenings 17 August 2018

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Just Thinking…

Back in the days of yore when predictive texting on cell phones was still a hit-and-miss thing and Siri did not understand your every spoken word, a whole new language was born – Text Language! Back even further than that, God gave his people some instructions to live by which has been come to be called the Ten Commandments. This seems like an ideal time for a mash-up, so for your viewing pleasure, here are the Ten Commandments in Text:

no1 b4 me. srsly.

dnt wrshp pix/idols

no omg’s

no wrk on w/end (sat 4 now; sun l8r)

pos ok – ur m&d r cool

dnt kill ppl

only w/ m8

dnt steal

dnt lie re: bf

dnt ogle ur bf’s m8. or ox. or dnkey. myob

The Ten Commandments are one of the most well-known and yet most widely misunderstood part of the Bible. They have been parodied, replaced, derided, idolised, misquoted and rebelled against for centuries. Even Christians often ignore them, thinking they have been replaced by grace. But maybe there is a relevance to us that persists, and maybe we haven’t still quite grasped the reason that God gave them in the first place. Come along this Sunday to find out more.


Soup & Toast
It’s getting a bit chilly so next Sunday after the service is our first shared Soup & Toast lunch for 2017. Please stay for this time of fellowship.

Nick Reid’s 40 Hour Famine
I’m back doing the #40HF on the weekend of the 11th of June. All funds are going towards Syrian Refugees, specifically towards creating child friendly safe spaces such as playgrounds and learning classrooms. I will be doing the traditional forty hours with no food and my goal is to reach $1000. I would love your support so come and talk to me after church. Thanks! – Nick

Pornography Seminar
Jessica Harris is a sought after international speaker on the topic of pornography. She is a 31-year-old single woman, a Christian, but right through her teens was herself addicted to porn. She’s free now and has some great things to share. She will be speaking on Tuesday 30 May at 7.00-9.00pm at
Gracegate Church, 42 Parkway Drive, Sunnynook, Auckland.

Waimarie Service
Next Wednesday, 2:30pm at Waimarie Private Hospital. Please pray for this outreach.

Men’s Breakfast
Saturday 10 June at 8am. Speaker: Dixon Goh from Remuera Baptist Chinese Church. Speaking about his life and calling as well as a message that God may have on his heart. Share a cooked breakfast, coordinated by chef supremo Lindsay M. We’d love to see you there. Please consider inviting a friend.

Morning Prayer Meeting
The Wednesday morning prayer meeting is now in recess until spring.

Evening Prayer Service
Please note that the next Evening Prayer Service will be on Sunday 11th June due to Queens Birthday Weekend.

mainly music for young children is on every Tuesday morning at 10am!

Heather Reid is being baptised on 11 June. If you would also like to be baptised, please have a chat with Pastor Murray.

Kids Programs this Sunday
This morning, kids who are years 0-8 will be together with Margaret in the downstairs Kowhai room.

Mainly Music Family Night
On Tuesday 6th June from 6:00-7:30pm we will be hosting a mainly music Family Night after work so that the whole family can come. We will enjoy a sausage sizzle and a mainly music session followed by some ice-cream for dessert! Please pray for this evening.

The start of the year is a great time to get plugged in to one of the home groups that are operating in the life of our church. There is a depth of connection that often doesn’t happen outside of these groups, so we encourage you to call one of leaders below or contact the church office for more information.

Wednesday Night Home Group – Next Wednesday
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Call 528 4401 for more information.

Wednesday Morning Home Group – Next Wednesday
Home Group at the home of Joy Galt every third Wednesday at 10am. Call 948 8529 for more information.

Sunday Afternoon Home Group – This Sunday after the service
Home Group run by David and Heather Reid every second Sunday after the service at the Reid’s home. Call 528 4908 for more information.

Rightnow media is an online Christian ministry that provides access to thousands of video and study resources for Christians. It has been called the ‘Netflix for Christians’! Our church has signed up for this service for three months, and you should have received an email giving you instructions on how to access these resources. Feel free to download or watch anything you like during this three month period – there are no limitations. Please contact the office if you have any queries.

Mei Ling’s latest newsletter is available by clicking here . If you would like to contact her, her new email address is Mei.LingLee@gbaships.org

The BIG questions of life are important. What’s life really about anyway? Is God real? How do I live with purpose?

At 10am every Thursday next term (starting 18 May), Murray Jenkins, will be hosting a DVD-based discussion time called Alpha. Alpha offers some Christian perspectives on these questions, and covers topics like:
Who is Jesus?
Was there a purpose in his dying?
What’s the Bible all about?
What does this word ‘faith’ mean?
How do I make the most of my life?

It will be held in the church lounge (child-care will also be provided in the same room).

No question or point of view is silly. Everyone is welcome. It’s going to be fun. For questions or to register, please contact Murray by emailing him at murray@remuerabaptistchurch.org.nz

Beginning 7:30pm Tuesday 30 May, Murray will be leading a four-week intensive on the book of Psalms. Dates for these four sessions will be 30 May, 20 June, 27 June, 4 July. For questions or to register, please contact Murray by emailing him at murray@remuerabaptistchurch.org.nz