Happenings 12 November 2023

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Happenings 12 November 23

We are never left without support.

Sometimes we feel intensely isolated and alone. We wonder if faithfulness is really worth it, and it seems that it is us against the world. Elijah knew this experience very well. The mountaintop ‘fire-from-heaven’ experience had left him drained, and opposition had plunged him into a deep depression where all he could see was himself and his problems. “I am the only one left,” he said (1 Kings19:10). But God never left him without support. “I have kept seven thousand faithful to stand with you,” he said.

Jesus had asked -  even pleaded - with his three best mates. “I need you, guys. I need you to stay awake and pray like you’ve never prayed before. Pray for me!” And then he walked into the depths of a garden to wrestle over the fate of the world, while his friends folded their hands and gently snoozed. But God never left him without support, and if Jesus couldn’t find it in his friends, then God would provide it in other ways. And so an angel was sent to be what others could not, and to give Jesus strength (Luke 22:43).

We are never left without support. Peter discovered this in a prison cell (Acts 12:7). Paul found this as his ship was breaking up beneath the pounding of a storm (Acts 27:23). Stephen discovered this in his darkest hour as he was given a glimpse of the glorified Jesus. ‘For the eyes of the LORD,’ we are told, ‘range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.’ (2 Chronicles 16:9)

The God of Heaven – the mighty and majestic One - is closer than breathing and can bring all his resources to bear when we need him. In the things you face this week, may you be convinced …
You are never left without support.

In Him,