Just Thinking…
At a previous house, I used to have a flower bush growing beneath my window. I don’t know the name of it. I recall that it looked a bit like a daisy, with white petals and an orange centre, but the thing I most remember about it was that the petals closed at night time and opened up again when the sunlight shone on them. They were the coolest things! Closed to the darkness; open to the light … there’s a sermon in there somewhere! Have you ever seen a life that opens to the ‘light’ of Jesus and blossoms? It is a wonderful thing to see. I want to see this change happening more and more in the lives of our young people, and I am so grateful that we have a vibrant youth ministry functioning in our church to encourage this.
This Sunday is very special, because for the first time since I have been at RBC, our youth and youth leaders will be taking the entire service. To continue the flower analogy, our youth ministry as a whole is also blossoming, and I am so grateful for this! Come along to be blessed; come along to show your support; come along to worship our King, who has called us out of darkness in to his wonderful light.
In Him
This Sunday…
This Sunday: Youth-Led Service!
Come and see our young people in action, as they lead this service. Super exciting!
Kids Programmes
Our Sparks and Blaze programmes are on every Sunday during the school Term. Years 0 - 6. We look forward to seeing you there!
RBC Youth
Join our yr 9-13 Youth Group!
Time: 7-8:30 PM
Date: Every Wednesday during school term
Location: @RBC
Join us for Ignite, our youth group for yr 7-8!
Time: 10 am (during the Sunday morning gathering)
Date: Every Sunday during school term
Location: @RBC
Join us on Sunday morning as we finish painting the Youth room. Please bring a shirt you are able to paint in.
Ignite meets during our Sunday morning gathering.
Renew Together
Our theme for Prayer and Self Denial this year is Renew Together, which run for 3 consecutive Sundays, including the next two Sundays of 7 August and 14 August. On 14 August, an opportunity will be given in the physical service to contribute financially to support the work of Tranzsend, but you can also give online at any stage into the church bank account. Contact the office for more details.
Bible Study Connect Group
Come along next Thursday at 10:30am, either physically or on zoom as we continue studying Paul's amazing letter to the church at Ephesus. Contact the office for more details.
Worship This Sunday: Gathered AND Online
It was so exciting to be back together in our church building again! We will be doing it again this week at 10am (with masks and vaccine passports)!
There will also be an online service available to view, and a link will be sent out to you at 10am on Sunday morning.
Prayer Connection Points
Come along to a prayer gathering at the church lounge Thursdays from 11:30am-12:00pm. Masks are required. Also, On Mondays from 12:00 – 12:30pm there will be an Online Prayer Gathering for half an hour via zoom. Contact the office if you would like the meeting link and passcode.
the Baptist NZ App
There is now a Baptist NZ app! This replaces the Baptist Magazine and is a digital platform for churches across NZ to connect, encourage and resource one another by sharing stories, articles, podcasts and news.
You can learn more about it by clicking here.
It can be downloaded from both the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.
Men’s Group
Remuera Baptist Men’s Group meets monthly – this is generally on the first Saturday of the month. Contact the office for more details.
Baptist Missionary Fellowship meets at 10am on the second Wednesday of every month. This is usually at the home of Olwyn Dickson, but the venue if changed, will be advertised here. Please get in touch with the church office if you would like to attend.
Isolation Support
If you or others you know are having to isolate because of covid, please contact the office.
Mainly Music
We run mainly music sessions during the school term every Tuesday, 10am in the RBC Auditorium. If you have kids or know of anyone who does, please invite them to come along! Please also keep the attendees and volunteers in your prayers.
Connect Groups
Thursday Morning Bible Study Group
Every Thursday morning at 10:30am in the church lounge. We are currently looking at the Letters that Paul wrote to the Church of Ephesus. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us! Please note that masks are required.
Thursday Prayer Group
Every Thursday in the church lounge from 11:30am - 12:00 pm. Contact the office for more information. Please note that masks are required.
Monday Zoom Prayer Group
From 12:00 – 12:30pm on Zoom. Contact the office if you would like the zoom link to be sent to you.
Thursday Night Book Club
Every Thursday from 7:30pm via Zoom. Contact the office if you would like the zoom link to be sent to you.
Knitting for Friendship
Every Thursday from 1:30pm - 3:00pm. Held at the home of Margaret Howie-Pask. If you would like to join, please get in touch with the church office.
Home Groups
Young Adults Home Group
Every Sunday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!
Wednesday Night Home Group
Thursday Morning Home Group