Happenings 27 August 2020

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Just thinking…

I loved a story that came out of the last lockdown from the Bradford Manor Rest Home in Dunedin. This facility was home to a number of elderly residents including 26 dementia sufferers. During the lockdown, the home was closed to visitors, and family were not allowed to visit because of the fear that they would bring the covid-19 virus with them. Nine of the staff made the decision to not be with their own families during the lockdown, but to stay for the duration of level 4 with these dementia residents to look after them and keep them company. "The residents are vulnerable," they said. "If a dementia resident gets it, it's very very hard to self-isolate them." There were only two empty rooms with beds in them in the facility to be shared by the nine staff, and so the night staff slept there during the day and the day staff slept there during the night. The manager, Michelle Donaldson, talked about one of the staff: "This is huge. My cook has three children. The sacrifice that she's making - she's not going to see them for a month." What an amazing picture of incarnation. Incarnation is a big fancy word that simply means 'embodying'. To save us, Jesus 'embodied' himself and became one of us, sharing in our experience, walking in our shoes. He could have communicated from a distance, but his love impelled him to love close-up. It makes sense, then, that the ministry he has given his church is also incarnation - we are to 'go into all the world', not stay at arms-length. May we all find places over the coming weeks where we don't just speak of love, justice and rightness, but where we embody them.

In Him,

This Sunday 30 August…

Of Temples and Trees: Chapters 10 and 11 of Revelation have been called possibly the hardest chapters in the book to understand. Yet through them, John shapes the church's understanding of what will be involved in standing for Jesus in His world - a message we need to hear today.

Kids Programmes This Sunday

There will be no kids programmes this Sunday due to our service being online. Grace and Elisha have resources they can email you for your intermediate/high school aged kids to do at home. Please contact the office if you are interested.

Ignite Youth Group

Ignite Youth are doing various Zoom Social Evenings under level 3. Contact the office for more information and for a Zoom link. Click here to view the planner for other Ignite Social events for term 3.

Church Family Shared Lunch

Please note that the church family shared lunch is cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.

mainly music

Due to the level 3 restrictions, our mainly music sessions for young children are currently recorded and can be found from our Facebook page by clicking here.

faith @ 6:30

Our next faith @ 6:30 all-age evening service will be this Sunday at 6:30pm on Zoom! We will be looking at 1 John 4. Email the office for a Zoom link.

Home Groups

Young Adults Home Group
Every Thursday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!

Myth-busters Small Group
Myth-busters is a 5 week series exploring what the Bible actually says about some key topics rather than what we think it says. Please contact the office if you are interested.

SHAPE Small Group
Pastor Murray will be leading a SHAPE Small Group series, looking at how God has wired you for service. Please register your interest by contacting the office.

Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each week we share in supper, do a bible study and pray for each other. Will begin on Wednesday 13 February. Contact the office for more information.

Thursday Morning Home Group
Home Group in the church lounge on the third Thursday of the month at 10am. After morning tea we do a bible study and pray together. Contact the office for more information.

You can check out what’s happening from our Facebook page by clicking here.

You can check out all our Sunday services during the lock-down from our YouTube channel by clicking here.

You can find out what’s happening at RBC by joining our e-newsletter list. Please contact the office if you wish to be added to this.