Just thinking…
The more I think about heaven, the more I wonder why people don’t think about it more. Yes, it is mysterious in many respects, but there are numerous references to it in the Bible to spark our Christian imaginations. Yes, it is out of our experience but why should that take it out of our minds? I have never been to Europe or the Holy Land, but that doesn’t stop me dreaming about these places. And we are told that God’s ‘new heaven and new earth’ is actually the home that we were made for … our current locale is one where ‘we are just a-passing through.’ I wonder if there is a cringe factor about the topic? Or do we have the hope that it is real but perhaps we not really convinced it is, and so we deliberately hold it lightly? Scripture calls us to hold this hope tightly. The New Testament view of hope is not something that may or may not happen (which is how we often use it), but something that definitely will happen – it just hasn’t happened yet! So don’t get too satisfied or distracted with the joys of this life, even though these also are God’s blessings. I love C.S. Lewis’ little quote: . . . it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when an infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased (‘Weight of Glory’). We have a hope that is sure, certain and beyond our imaginations. But may we not let this fact keep us from imagining and hoping.
In Him,
This Sunday 1 December…
Life After Life: We finish our little mini-series on the afterlife this Sunday with some more glimpses from God's word of what it will be like. Come along!
Ignite Youth Group
Seeing as it will be the last event of the year, on Friday 13 December from 6:30pm we thought it would be a good idea to make use of the good weather and have a BBQ at the beach. So bring the whānau and lets have a good last meal together. More details to come!
Prayer Service
This Sunday 1 December at 7pm will be our next Prayer Service. Come along to join us in praying for our church, community and world.
Kids Programs This Sunday
Spark is our program for older preschool to year 2 kids, led by Margaret Stewart.
Blaze is for kids in years 3-5, led by Olwyn Dickson.
Ignite is for young people in years 6 and above, led by Matt and Elisha.
mainly music
mainly music for young children is every Tuesday at 10am in the church. Our last session will be on Tuesday 10 December. We will be having a shared morning tea so please bring a plate if you can!
Leisure for Pleasure
Next Tuesday, 1pm in the church lounge. There is friendly company, card and board games, quizzes, music or bring your own handcrafts. With afternoon tea to follow. All are welcome!
Carols In The CarPark
Come along on Sunday 15 December from 6:30 - 7:30pm for a family-friendly time of carol-singing and creative re-telling of the Christmas story with fun content for kids and a free sausage sizzle. Bring your friends; bring a cushion, blanket or camp-chair to sit on. If it's wet, we will be inside the church.
Men’s Breakfast
Our last Men’s Breakfast, for this year will be the first Saturday 7 December at 8am. Our Speaker will be our very own Pastoral student intern, Elisha Hartley. Elisha will be speaking on some trends in culture around youth since the 1960s and the resulting need for discipleship for youth. Share a cooked breakfast, coordinated by chef supremo Lindsay M. We'd love to see you there. Please consider inviting a friend.
Home Group BBQ
On Sunday 8 December the Wednesday Home Group is celebrating with an end of year shared dinner, at around 5:30pm. If you have not been part of the home group but would like to join us for lunch you are most welcome, please talk to Paul or Ruth 528 4401.
Home Groups
Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each week we share in supper, do a bible study and pray for each other. Will begin on Wednesday 13 February. Contact the office for more information.
Wednesday Morning Home Group
Home Group at the home of Joy Galt on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am. After morning tea we do a bible study and pray together. Contact the office for more information.
Young Adults Home Group
Every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!
Check out what is happening at RBC this Christmas season!