Happenings 24 October 2019

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Just thinking…

One of the most compelling sermons I have ever heard was given to a group of us final year students at Laidlaw Bible College as we were soon to face the great unknown of the ‘real world’. You could cut the uncertainty in the room with a knife; some of us had jobs already secured, while others of us had absolutely no idea what the following year would hold or where we would end up. Enter a sermon from that most unlikely of biblical books – Ecclesiastes! ‘Ecclesi-who’, I hear you say? Well, thumb your way through to chapters 11 and 12 of this little gem and you will find a section that will challenge and change how you deal with life’s uncertainties when they come your way. The message was profoundly counter-intuitive, profoundly course-changing, and has been profoundly used by God in my life. I keep coming back to its guidance … and I keep needing to. In a nutshell, the wise old kaumatua in this book was saying, ‘When uncertainties come … and they will … you will be tempted to freeze up; to retrench; to wait for more perfect conditions. Don’t let them do that to you! Those are the times when you need to get stuck in, to show care-free confidence in God, because his sovereignty over our lives is, in fact, one of life’s great certainties. I encourage you to read these chapters and then to ‘Cast your bread upon the waters, that after many days you will find it again. Give portions to seven, yes to eight’ – just a fancy Hebrew way of saying, ‘Give it heaps!’ The reason given? You do not know what is going to happen (uncertainty!) … but you do know God is with you (certainty!).

In Him,

This Sunday 27 October…

Praying For Our Community: This Sunday we will be spending some time praying for our community, praying for our Drop-In event, and having our first look at the chocolate factory in action! Should be fun!

Ignite Youth Group

Tomorrow night at 6:30pm. We will be playing some games and doing some arts and crafts. Wear clothes that you are willing to get paint on...

Prayer Service

Next Sunday 3 November at 7pm in the church. Come along to pray with us for our community, country and world.

Kids Programs This Sunday

Spark is our program for older preschool to year 2 kids, led by Margaret Stewart.
Blaze is for kids in years 3-5, led by Olwyn Dickson.
Ignite is for young people in years 6 and above, led by Matt and Elisha.

mainly music

mainly music for young children is every Tuesday morning at 10am in the church.

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday 02 November from 8am. Our Speaker will be Bruce Young. Bruce has recently retired from being a social worker.  Bruce will share a little about his story and speak about his experience with grief.
Share a cooked breakfast, coordinated by chef supremo Lindsay M. We'd love to see you there. Please consider inviting a friend.

Trick-or-Treat Drop-In

Remuera Baptist Church (641 Remuera Road) is hosting a 'Trick-or-Treat Drop-In' on Halloween Day, 31 October, from 5:30 - 7:30pm. Loads of free entertainment suitable for kids young and old. There will be a magician, bouncy castles, a sausage sizzle, face-painting ... and most exciting of all ... a chocolate-factory-themed adventure!

Young Adults Group

As young people, we believe it is super important to have a network of like-minded Christ followers surrounding us. The Remuera Baptist Church Young Adults Group meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. We alternate between bible studies and social nights each week. If you are interested in joining us, or would like more information, please email the church office or message us on Facebook @remuerabaptistchurch

Home Groups

Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each week we share in supper, do a bible study and pray for each other. Will begin on Wednesday 13 February. Contact the office for more information.

Wednesday Morning Home Group
Home Group at the home of Joy Galt on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am. After morning tea we do a bible study and pray together. Contact the office for more information.

Young Adults Home Group
Every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!

Don't forget to keep your diaries updated with what's going on in the church!