Just Thinking…
One of the annual surveys that I always look forward to with interest is the New Zealand Trust Survey, which surveys what are the most and least trusted brands. The 2016 survey indicates that a Kiwi day basking in the warm ambiance of optimal trust would start with Sanitarium and Vogels and end it with a Villa Maria wine purchased from New World. While refraining from texting on our Samsung device, we would drive Toyotas fitted with Firestone tyres, and would top them up with fuel from Z. If vacuuming is on the to-do list then we would grab our Dyson, after taking care of the lawn with our Masport. Accrued cuts and bruises we would douse in Dettol. After our busy day, we would collapse with pleased exhaustion into our Sleepyhead bed. Oh … the whole day would be also spent snacking on Whitaker’s chocolate, which won the supreme award. Louise Waterson, the Reader’s Digest managing editor, said, brands that feature highly have won the “crucial battle” – sometimes across generations – ‘to build a name and a product people believe in.’ Let’s think about God. Repeated evidence of His trustworthiness across generations should lead to an attitude of trust in him also, shouldn’t it? His faithfulness, his steadfastness, his goodness, his stickability, his power, his perseverance with us, his answers to prayer, his patience, his unfailing love, his unflagging compassions, his unending favour … should make our trust n him an instinctual and natural response … shouldn’t it? Does God top your own personal ‘most trusted’ list? Something to think about.
In Him, Murray
The start of the year is a great time to get plugged in to one of the home groups that are operating in the life of our church. There is a depth of connection that often doesn't happen outside of these groups, so we encourage you to call one of leaders below or contact the church office for more information.
Wednesday Night Home Group - Next Wednesday Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Call 528 4401 for more information.
Wednesday Morning Home Group - Next Wednesday Home Group at the home of Joy Galt every third Wednesday at 10am. Call 948 8529 for more information.
Sunday Afternoon Home Group - This Sunday after the service Home Group run by David and Heather Reid every second Sunday after the service at the Reid's home. Call 528 4908 for more information.
The BIG questions of life are important. What’s life really about anyway? Is God real? How do I live with purpose?
At 10am every Thursday next term (starting 18 May), Murray Jenkins, will be hosting a DVD-based discussion time called Alpha. Alpha offers some Christian perspectives on these questions, and covers topics like: Who is Jesus? Was there a purpose in his dying? What’s the Bible all about? What does this word ‘faith’ mean? How do I make the most of my life?It will be held in the church lounge (child-care will also be provided in the same room).
No question or point of view is silly. Everyone is welcome. It’s going to be fun. For questions or to register, please contact Murray by emailing him at murray@remuerabaptistchurch.org.nz
Beginning 7:30pm Tuesday 30 May, Murray will be leading a four-week intensive on the book of Psalms. Dates for these four sessions will be 30 May, 20 June, 27 June, 4 July. For questions or to register, please contact Murray by emailing him at murray@remuerabaptistchurch.org.nz